I am writing this bcoz
#1. I have run out of topics. They said it right. Engineering definitely leaves you emotionally numb, artistically void and creatively dead.
#2. The biggest source of encouragement for any budding blogger once said, “you can write about me. Its always a nice option”. I was coaxed/ threatened into it.
#3. My blog promises to “cherish lives that touched mine”. This one is touching too many lives.At least the fan count says so. And yeah promises are meant to be kept.
#4. I haven’t posted anything since august 2006. Long time. Public demand stops me from letting my blog rot and die :-D
#5. I got a real sweet testimonial. I owe one in return.
#6. This for sure is one way to get a wider readership base.
#1. I have run out of topics. They said it right. Engineering definitely leaves you emotionally numb, artistically void and creatively dead.
#2. The biggest source of encouragement for any budding blogger once said, “you can write about me. Its always a nice option”. I was coaxed/ threatened into it.
#3. My blog promises to “cherish lives that touched mine”. This one is touching too many lives.At least the fan count says so. And yeah promises are meant to be kept.
#4. I haven’t posted anything since august 2006. Long time. Public demand stops me from letting my blog rot and die :-D
#5. I got a real sweet testimonial. I owe one in return.
#6. This for sure is one way to get a wider readership base.
Done with the reasons. Getting back to the arduous task of writing a testimonial for a rather tough senior.
A bugs bunny look alike, here is a guy who hops [oops!!! I meant moves around] with a 1000 watt smile 24*7. Bet that helped a lot during the “load shedding” days. [load shedding is the mallu terminology for regular half an hour power cuts that existed in kerala five years back]. A piece of warning for the health conscious, this one is infectious.
A nice gentleman, “modesty is thy name” would describe him the best. A real source of encouragement, this guy actually takes the pain to read through every single blog entry of mine. Better still he is always sweet enough to leave a comment on them that too never expecting one in return. [He for sure got his Sunday school lessons right. “Love thy neighbor’s blog more than thy blog”]. Dedicated, sincere and hardworking. His record with all the clubs he works for definitely show that.
“Ten lie gone wrong can lead to banishment.(5)”. Made sense? Neither did it make any to me. Where else can you find a guy who got bored of solving cryptic crosswords and is instead now into making his own ones than at nitw? Immensely talented this guy simply plays around with alphabets to create wonders. Remember Tony SA BEST YEAH N [that’s to quote his own orkut profile]. Anyways Before I forget, the answer to the above mentioned clue is “exile”.
If there is one thing that this guy fails miserably at, then it is playing senior. Swear, his knees used to buckle up when he saw us juniors. I am not talking about the five feet me but my hefty healthy bhais[ nonNITWian read it again as batch mates from kerala] sure did scare the wits out of him. You sure cant find a senior who turns up for lawn and lake sessions with a 32 teeth and more smile. [ lakes and lawns can be defined as places where juniors can be ragged without the risk of getting caught. Sad!!! Lawns are getting unsafe these days. The watch and ward ‘saarus’ drives out anyone who gets anywhere near the lawn, Even the harmless couples who actually treat the eyes of many a frustrated desperate soul with real life reel shows (u know what I mean). Thank heavens!! They don’t run around the trees.] He actually would come and tell you after a ragging session, “ don’t feel bad, its just a part of your college life”
If pulling legs is one of your favorite sports and getting yours pulled isn’t a bad idea of pastime, then you needn’t go far. Mr. Right is right here. The guy with a huge fan following. 146 and still counting.
Phew!! that was tiring.
entammo ithrem vendayirunnu!! :D
btw my fav clue is
"last furs of rabbits "(4,6)
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