DISCLAIMER: the below written article is not for general reading .This has been written exclusively for the below mentioned people. the author expresses her sincere heartfelt apologies to all her readers and fans for the immense disappointment caused.

To the ice-cream that had to melt for 15 minutes coz you couldn’t have any of it
To every iced tea of mine you took a sip off
To every blog entry that you bothered to go through
To every time you screamed ‘chidinge’. [ I still not sure what it means]
To the ice cream I still owe you. CHEERS!!!!
Sreejith cheta, I am not gonna miss you. But my iced tea in Nescafe will.
To the immense relief I get on seeing someone with compatible height
To the 10000 word assignment that you gave, you cancelled but kozhi made me write
To the fact that you chose to be a fan of mine on orkut on my birthday
To that new "kung-fu champ" look of yours [ had i known that it would grow into such a big vrithikedu, i would have never said it looked good ;)]
To the match that India lost to Bangladesh.CHEERS!!!!
Maxlin cheta, no feelings. But what do I do for inspiration. I mean, how do I convince myself that even I can ride a two wheeler
To kutti pishachu
To my ignorance that I did not know how to expand PINCODE during RP
To my negligence that I lost the topics for floor crossing minutes before it was to start[ I still managed not to get screamed at].
To brush-in-the-mouth-painting-the-wall-task in amazing race. CHEERS!!!!
Raja cheta, the kutti is still at NITW. But what do I do without the pishachu ;-)
To the kalipaatum that you managed to adichumaatal
To that raised eyebrow and “engotta’ question every time I see you on the road
To the ability to hear it as “hi da” whenever I said “hi cheta”
To that "what happened to my sweet little juni?illness?" sms.
To the ice cream you bought sreejith chetan. CHEERS!!!!
Sivan cheta, what do i tell the kids at the convent.
To every time you kaliyaakal me becoz of my Malayalam
To the million dollar question I get every now and then, “Is that guy with long hair on the bike your senior??”
To the wonderment we juniors get on seeing you eat. CHEERS!!!!
Jayaram cheta, nitw already misses your neeti valarthiya mudi.
To the "your senior looked so cute" statement after the bhangra dance
To the " kunthavum pidichu kondu engotta?" question after my survey labs
To the fact that you were my most harmless senior during RP. CHEERS!!!
Kesav cheta, what will the girls in cse do. Where else do they look for a cuter senior.
To the awe inspiring person you have been
To that typical nadatham, nikkunna style of yours
To the typical achaayan you are.
To my pedi swapnam during RP.CHEERS!!!
Robert cheta, kerala state will never have a better achaayan [don't be bothered abt the competition my batchmates give you ;)]
To the LH ki dons
To the immense fun we had
To the patient ear you guys lend( sho samathikkanam, "how do you manage to put up with my kathi")
To the times I cried
1. my first room session (coz i was missing home)
2. my golden night( coz i was missing my RP)
3. your farewell ( coz i was already missing you guys)
To everything you have been. CHEERS!!!
Chechis,love you loads
PS: pavam nescafe it for sure will have a tough time coping up with your absence
hey can i echo the same?? don think i can find more beautiful words :)
thanks a lot dear...expressions overflowing at my end..not able to convert them into words..lots of love form all of us...take care..
PS:"chidunge" u still owe me an icecream..dat still remains..:D
well,been thru ur blog many times... neva did say nethn...chumma,for the feel good factor today, CHEERS!
n hey,too mucha soap eh?? hehe,kiddin...liked the way u put it...n jz as tony says,cant find a betta way to say it.....rock on....
CHEERS!!! to this little wonderful juni out here ...take care...
i am movED. u should have been a writer.
the fact that i miss the final yrs doesnt occur to me all that often. but ur words made a hollow space in my heart. well gr8 work.
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